
Igloo 13.1.1


  1. aspnet-validation.js updated to support Umbraco forms 13

Igloo 13.1.0


  1. Instagram Feed Widget - restored


  1. Hero Widget - inner overlay

  2. Theme - letter casing for main navigation

  3. Subheader Navigation Item - allow custom text color

  4. Pod Widget - update the image upload name for Pod from image to image and video


  • Umbraco Form Widget - instability in trial ended scenarios

Igloo 13.0.4


  1. Updated the readme

Igloo 13.0.3


  1. Updated the readme

Igloo 13.0.2


  1. Licensing Optimisation

Igloo 13.0.1

Known issues:

If using Umbraco.Cms 13.2.0, the DataType - IG - Media Picker shows an error Maximum entries, requires 0 more. Maximum entries, 0 too many this can be resolved by simply resaving the DataType in the Umbraco Backoffice


  1. Umbraco v13 support 🎉

Igloo 6.0.4


  1. Umbraco v11-12 support

Igloo 5.0.2


  • Patch for faulty data types on package import

  • Added video file support to Igloo Media Data Type

Igloo 5.0.1


  • Fixed faulty documenttype in document types

  • Fixed error on subgrid

Igloo 5.0.0


  • Umbraco 10 support


  • Problem with line-height inputs on theme settings

  • Person widget in grid caused an error

Igloo 4.0.3


  • Faulty search result across multlingual sites

  • Hide link in menu for search page automatically

Igloo 4.0.2


  • Error on first publish of example site

  • Culture fix on Search

  • Fix for certain partials that could not be loaded

  • Fallback value fix on sitemap

  • Moved package migration into Core

Igloo 4.0.1


  • Css fix on hero

  • Fix for certain partials that could not be loaded

Igloo 4.0


  • Umbraco 9 support

  • New faster Settings service for getting all the Igloo settings


  • You can now have "stage-" or "dev-" in your domain and not get a license warning


  • Fixed bug where search would not work for document types not having variants activated

Igloo 3.3


  • Map widget 50/50 wide, add settings for text-right

  • Update license whitelist to include new Umbraco Cloud urls


  • Igloo Measurement Value - Empty not working with line heights

  • Toggle password visibility is the default button for form

  • Container Width, Container Width Small, Container Width Big using wrong alias reference

  • Search requires Allow vary by culture to be set on new doctypes

Igloo 3.2


  • Rewrite of the Gallery widget using CSS grid + video support

  • Setting for 404-page

  • Added Igloo.config file with search settings

  • Button style underline

  • Added new settings to theme node: Border Dark, Border Light, Success, Error, Text: Font Size, Text Big: Font Size, Text Small: Font Size, Text: Line Height, Text: Font Weight, Text Big: Font Weight, Heading: Line Height, Heading: Font Weight, Heading 1: Font Size, Heading 2: Font Size, Heading 3: Font Size, Heading 4: Font Size, Heading 5: Font Size, Heading 6: Font Size, Hero Heading: Font Size, Hero Heading Mobile: Font Size, Navigation Font Size, Navigation Font Size Mobile, Navigation Font Weight

  • Toggle password visibility on Login and Register widgets

  • All first level widgets can now have a custom id for anchor tags


  • Updated UI for Theme Explorer

  • Text & Images have same padding as other blocks, added a compact setting

  • Set mobile nav padding to --grid-gutter

  • Added Recaptcha 3 partial to Umbraco Forms Theme

  • Updated Autoprefixer settings to ">1%, last 1 ie version"

  • Text & Image should align with container width

  • Added scroll-behavior: smooth; to html element


  • Search missing explicitly associated label

  • "Go to top" button should set focus to #content

  • Footer navigation header should be h2

  • Text aside widgets should be h2

  • Pre headings should be divs

  • Added underline to links inside paragraphs

  • Add autocomplete to known fields

  • Updated forms UI to improve contrast


  • Missing rel="noopener" on footer social links

  • Theme alt contrast color not saved in generated theme

  • Card text color get overwritten from grid text color

Igloo 3.1


  • Set default image quality to 80

  • Use passive event listeners

  • Replace window scroll events with Intersection Observers

  • Comment out custom.js & custom.css from start

  • Preload Font Awesome

  • Default google font with display swap

  • Font Awesome display swap


  • Make footer column width optional, fill out available space if not set

Igloo 3.0



  • Populate hreflang tag if available

  • Setting for noindex, nofollow

  • Extend render widget partial to take index (improve heading hierarchy)

  • Improved structured data on Post

  • Added setting to set Accordion to structured data FAQ


  • Make column width optional, fill out available space if not set

  • Tabs now use deep-linking based on hash-navigation

  • The page will scroll down to active tab if URL contains #tab—*

  • Heading in Navigation widgets can have a link

  • Text & Image widget: Align content vertical/horizontal

  • Text widget background-color

  • Setting to disable auto-expand on Navigation Widget

  • Newsletter form container use border-radius var

  • Tab navigation improved contrast

  • Improved crops created for Hero and Cards for better mobile versions and focal point support.

  • Animate setting works inside the slider, animating when slide becomes visible

  • Google Analytics 4 ID support


  • Main nav selected state on big-nav item

  • Share modal missing URL on desktop

  • Casting 3-level nav as Page

  • Fixed logo padding issue for Safari

  • Theme explorer mobile height issue

  • Theme explorer do not save over fonts if either dropdown at "Select font"

  • Problems with Contact form if not variation is activated

  • Create generated-themes folder if it does not exist on theme save

Igloo 2.4


  • Member controller dictionary items


  • Custom Approved Color Picker loses reference to theme node when placed in the root of site.

  • File-upload always mandatory in Umbraco Forms

  • Javascript crashes in some in-app browsers

  • Header Button not centered vertically

Igloo 2.3


  • Rewrite of CSS using CSS custom properties (CSS variables)

  • Rewrite of JS in vanilla instead of jQuery

  • Theme Explorer

  • Added Theme alt color

  • Approved Color Picker that gets values directly from theme node

  • Footer -> Code widget


  • Text widget now has container and sidebar position settings

  • Support for Instagram Basic Display API

  • Loading state for buttons in the newsletter & contact form.

  • Added a custom.css and custom.js file

  • Added text-small to RTE formats

  • Added a clean Umbraco Forms email template

  • Added pager to search result page

  • Ability to overwrite language name and flag

  • Removed DotLess dependency


  • Padding issue when buttons break into two rows

  • Nesting big navigation in normal navigation results in a YSOD

  • Consistent use of widget "Alias" field

  • Map will not render without zoom level

  • Navigation item touch-state changes the width of the element

  • Logo only returning http link

  • YSOD if there is no published settings node

Igloo 2.2


  • Grid -> Slider

  • Grid, Footer, Text Sidebar -> Navigation

  • Header navigation alignment


  • Rewritten core functionalities for better performance

  • Faster search

  • Added author title to Grid-> Quote

  • Error handling for newsletter, contact form & loginFixed


  • Mega-nav z-index

  • Favicon & Appicon not working

  • Package option view not reading Igloo.key file

Igloo 2.1


  • Mega Navigation

  • Scroll-based animations

  • Sub Grid

  • Buttons DataType

  • Package Option View

  • Grid > Link List


  • Error log for theme-node

  • Option to disable language picker


  • Overlay opacity 5% returned 50%

  • Could not load dotless.Core after Umbraco update

  • Card height & overlay error

Last updated